This code is a work-in-progress. The Git commit messages in the repository show the latest progress like bugfixes, addition of features, etc.
With Bitbucket account and SSH keys:
git clone git@bitbucket.org:deboghosh/ibcartins3d.git
git clone https://bitbucket.org/deboghosh/ibcartins3d.git
- master
- with-petsc
Unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes solver based on the Fractional Step algorithm (Kim & Moin, 1982) with interface to use PETSc for time integration.
- First order upwind
- Second order central
- Fourth order central
- Fifth order upwind (with WENO limiting)
- With PETSc (with-petsc branch)
- Native time-integration scheme
- Low Storage RK3 for convective term
- Trapezoidal for viscous terms
- Option to discretize flux in conservative or non-conservative form
- Immersed boundary methodology to treat solid objects in flow (STL geometry needed as input)
- (PETSc only) Use custom RK or ARKIMEX scheme by registering its Butcher tableaux
The following steps should compile the code (the default prefix is the source folder itself, so the binary will be installed in ibcartins3d/bin):
autoreconf -i
This will generate the required files for:[CFLAGS="..."] ./configure [--with-mpidir=/path/to/mpi] [--prefix=/install/dir]
make install
** A serial version can be compiled using the "-Dserial" compile flag.
** If MPI is unavailable or the configure script is unable to detect MPI, then a serial version of the code will get compiled.
Compiling with PETSc - for the with-petsc branch:
** It is preferable to use the same MPI compiler for building PETSc and this code.
** If the variables PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH are not defined in the environment, the code will get compiled without PETSc time-integration.
PETSc Installation
The code uses some PETSc features that are *NOT* available yet in the official release. See here for instructions to download and install PETSc.
[/path/to/mpi/bin/]mpiexec -n $NPROC /path/to/IBCARTINS3D
Note: $NPROC needs to be equal to the product of the "iproc" entries in the input file "solver.inp".See the README file in the source for a list of required input files and their explanations.
The folder run/ contains several examples with all the input files required to run a case.