SUNDIALS Installation
SUNDIALS a library of linear and non-linear equation solvers and ODE solvers, developed and maintained at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The official webpage of SUNDIALS and the repository has the documentation. This page has quick instructions to download and install it.
The following steps should install SUNDIALS:
Go to the SUNDIALS directory
Create build and install subdirectories:
mkdir build && mkdir install
cd build
Compile and install
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install \
make install
Linking to SUNDIALS
Set environment variable SUNDIALS_DIR (Can be set in .bashrc too)
export SUNDIALS_DIR=/path/to/sundials/install
(Eg. SUNDIALS_DIR=/home/ghosh/sundials/install)
Include flags:
Linker flags (for ARKODE with parallel vectors):
-L$(SUNDIALS_DIR)/lib64 \
-lsundials_arkode \
See SUNDIALS documentation for the appropriate linker flags for other packages.